Friday 27 March 2015

Which Lib Dems voted to (essentially) defenestrate Bercow?

In case you were wondering, by my reckoning four Liberal Democrat MPs voted for the Hague / Gove "student union politics" move that would have allowed Bercow to be unseated by a secret ballot.

They were:

- Tom Brake (no surprise; the Deputy Leader of the House dutifully sat alongside Hague throughout)
- Ed Davey
- Don Foster
- John Thurso

I read that 10 Lib Dems voted against, but don't have their names at hand.

Quite why the Liberal Democrats in government (and indeed William Hague for that matter, whose reputation as a "Commons man" must now be severely tarnished) agreed to go along with Gove's "clever" little scheme is beyond me.

1 comment:

  1. Lib Dems who voted against
    Loreley Burt
    Duncan Hames
    David Heath
    Martin Horwood
    Bob Russell
    Dan Rogerson
    Jo Swinson
    Steven Williams
    Simon Wright
    I missed one so check here;
